Logic and Compassion, Facts and Nurturing, Fun and Exploring - check here

We continue the sometimes joyful and sometimes painful path to try to be better human beings - this is only possible because we can rise above logic, that we find the wonder and hope, the language and words to inspire us and keep us going. Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm getting on the Offensive for Health

If you click on the title of the post, you will get to a video which shows some of the work I have been involved in over the past couple years, with the US Air Force Medical Services.

This work reminds me that we live in a US health ecosystem experiencing

"The folly of rewarding healthcare while hoping for health"

I'm inspired by a 2311 year old quote by Herophiles 300 B.C.

When Health is absent
Wisdom cannot reveal itself
Art cannot become manifest
Strength cannot be exerted
Wealth is useless and
Reason is powerless.

This reminds me to

Start living as though not just my life depends on it, but the lives of many others who are and will be affected by my actions and the world I will leave behind.

Especially here in Silicon Valley where to the rest of the world, we are living in the future, what we choose to do, matters.

MIT OpenCourseWare: I'm invested

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