His blog post resonates with the poem I wrote as a "cover+mashup" of Edna St Vincent Millay's poem
Upon this gifted age in its dark hour falls from the sky a meteoric shower of fact.....
There exists no loom to weave it into fabric
Mei Lin's riff quoted in this blog before but with the Stories highlighted
Upon our gifted age in our dark hour
Falls from the sky a meteoric shower of STORIES
of beauty and compassion that go unremarked and unrecognized
Wisdom enough to nurture lives and grow joy is daily spun
So let us conceive the loom to weave this wisdom into the fabric of our daily lives
Health Care Organizational Ethics: Improving Health By Telling, and Hearing, Stories: "The January issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine has a fascinating and important report of a randomized controlled trial of storytellin..."

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